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Sister Blanche de Root

Fully Professed:


Mother or Sponsor:
Sister Vish

I sponsored John Otemaa (aka Buffadora) and Pierre (the lovely French Canadian trapeze artist) who has passed behind the veil.
In 1986, I made rainbow habits for us so we could make a statement at the parade. We were down to 6 Sisters then. No one had any spare cash but me so I funded it and sewed us habits. I made streamers to pin to our veils out of all the colors ... as usual they loved us! Sisters Boom Boom was red, Misty orange, Dana yellow, Grace green, Vish blue and I was purple.
I said I wanted to do fundraising, something the Sisters had never done before so I began. When we collected money at the gates on Halloween for earthquake relief in 1989 I asked Sister Vish why not do this each year as a fundraiser??
I did the candle light march with Sister Vish and Cleve Jones when he had the first piece of a quilt. We Sisters collected money at the end to get it all going. He asked us if we could do quilts for the Sisters who had passed so Saint Thomas did the first beautiful one for James.
I worked on the 10th anniversary bash when we first met the Seattle Sisters. Sister Marry Mia and I developed a long close relationship that has lasted until today.
A cheerleader at 49er games in bars, helped to organize the basketball game in LA, cheerleader at the leather SFPD football games, Exorsism in Union Square with Sister Channel, Sadie and the mob. Off to Dallas for the Rep. convention with Sisters Vish, Boom Boom, Sadie and Channel. Queen of Mardi Gras at the Eagle, part of Jerry Colette's court when he was Emperor. Patric Toner, Mr. International Leather's, bell of the ball, often companion of James Bhuler who was Mr. Leather Daddy's Boy and I will say no more (hehehe)!
Sister Vish and I co-directed the Order until I left in 1992. I was extremely active for 6 full years and then simply burnt out. Running a successful hair studio and working 24/7 with the Sisters took it's toll. I needed to save my flagging business (Cheveux hair Studio in Pacific Heights) for one thing. I had to stop smoking, drinking and doing drugs and did it all by myself with my usual "been there done that" attitude.
After 14 amazing years I left San Francisco in October 1996 to move to Cape Town, South Africa. I married an old flame and have been living at the beach in Kalk Bay for 15 years.


Rules to Live By:
My theory has always been I'll ask for anything from anyone...all they can do is say no... and they rarely did.
I give good phone!

Past or current projects with the Order:
Exorcism of Jerry Fallwell in SF during Democratic Convention, summer 1984
Dallas: Republican Convention, summer 1984
Exorcism of the Pope, September 18, 1987, Union Square
40-foot penis in SF Pride Parade, June 1987 (Cable Car award for most outrageous float)

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