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Sister Meira-Meira Ondawall

Full Sister Name

Sister Meira-Meira Ondawall

Lay Occupation

Video game industry veteran

Date Of Birth

The cold wet winter, immediately after the summer of love.


A small, nameless town in Texas.

Date Joined The Order

I became a Fully Professed Sister in June of 2007.

When Did You Discover Your Calling?

While wandering aimlessly at a Folsom Street fair, wondering how I fitted into the scheme of the universe, I bumped into Sister Flora Goodthyme, whose beauty and joyful energy convinced me that I should stand out from the crowd and embrace my inner drag-clown-nun persona.

Why Did You Become A Sister?

Sometimes, the only way to learn to swim is to take a plunge into the deep end and start paddling. The prospect of joining the Sisters was the exact opposite of what 'The Plan' was for my life. That's precisely why I did it. I felt that through service, I would learn and grow into a better person. I hoped that being a better person would allow me to meet better people. Girlfriend — was I right!


Sponsor In The Order

Sister Roxanne Roles

Major Projects In The Order

• Coming up with cool t-shirts (NILF) and the theme for Pink Saturday 2007 (We're all Pink on the Inside).

• Being a bridge between the 'straight' and 'gay' communities through events like

Goals & Aspirations

I hope to be recognized as a non-violent agent of change in a world which shuns homosexuality, while embracing homogeneity. I want to act as a reminder to all humans, in all walks of life, that it's critically important to the survival of our species that we not take ourselves, especially our beliefs and our religious institutions, too seriously. The universe doesn't look kindly on those who can't adapt.

Religious Beliefs

I've always been a scientist/humanist at heart, and, typically, I've shunned mysticism. I have great respect for the fact that humans are quite naturally religious creatures. My participation with The Sisters is an attempt to reconcile my rational philosophy with my innate spiritual tendencies.

Sister Meira's Guidelines For Life

• Objects in Meira are smaller than they appear.

• Your freedom begins where the condom ends.

• Fear is the mind-killer.

• The shortest distance between two points is a hyperbolically coincident manifold space-time scission.

• Plan? There ain't no plan!

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation (federal tax ID number: 94-3032120)


The Sisters Mailing Address:

584 Castro Street, #392
San Francisco, CA 94114

"Go forth and sin some more!”
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 "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" and "Perpetual Indulgence" are trademarks of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc.

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